
Life is short. I want to live it to the full.  This sounds ambitious and I definitely don’t succeed in this lofty aspiration on a daily basis, but I am trying.  One of the ways that I try to live life to the full is to recognize life’s little ‘coincidences’ along the way. I want to see the supernatural amidst the natural and often this appears as coincidental.  I see them as direct messages from God and I don’t want to miss them. I want to recognize his little gifts to me.

Wanna hear about a couple of recent coincidences?

When we arrived in India, we received a card in the welcome basket that was placed in our room.  The gift-basket included fruits and cookies, some toiletries and a bar of laundry soap.  It was a wonderful welcome gift; it definitely gave us that “we been expecting you” feeling. In this welcome basket there also was a ‘coincidence’ – a gift from God.  On the card was the theme verse for the week and it was the same verse that Will and I had chosen for our wedding.

Phil 2:2 “make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”

As I held the verse in between my hands I silently thanked God for this, his message. Incased in our vows to each other almost 23 years ago, we acknowledged that we were becoming one – not only as husband and wife, but also in our lives’ goals.  We desired to become a strong couple that was united not only in love, but also in spirit and purpose.  The very reason why we were in India was because of this desire- we wanted to spend our lives working together toward a common purpose.

That verse was a specific blessing from God shown as a confirmation that we were meant to be in India. Pretty cool, eh? Well, there’s more.

After the week long training, Will and I participated in a “Weekend to Cherish” family life seminar. During the opening ceremonies all the speaker couples were introduced at the ‘inauguration’.  Our particular experience in India gave us the impression that they are big on pomp and ceremony. We were handed a large bouquet of flowers and were seated on the stage throughout the opening speeches and ceremonial proceedings. It was quite formal.

Then… there was the opening song and another ‘coincidence’.  A talented couple sang a Steve Green song entitled “Household of Faith”.  This was the song that was sung at our wedding!  You can imagine my ‘goosebumps’ or as my Indian friends say ‘chicken skin’.  Again, God in his mercy gave us a blessing.

I have often been asked if I think we can hear God’s voice.  I always respond with a resounding “YES”.  It is God’s promise to us in John 10.  In using the analogy of the sheep and shepherd relationship, Jesus assures us that we will hear his voice and recognize it. I do believe that God is speaking to us and wanting to communicate his love and guidance in our everyday lives.  He speaks through scripture, through conversation or even through our feelings or circumstances.  We just need to recognize it.

I was particularly humbled by God’s messages of assurance and promise.  God knew we needed extra care in India. He spoke so clearly to my heart through the use of our wedding verse and song.  It wasn’t just a coincidence – it was God speaking.

By the way… the assurances that we will hear his voice and recognize it, is just a couple verses after the promise that through him we can have life and live it to the full! Coincidence?

One thought on “Coincidence?

  1. You are having ‘Ahha!’ moments, Doris! I actually do not believe in coincidence … I believe they are messages from God, too!

    I am so glad you spot them!!!

    Love you!

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